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There is always something going on in a multi-cat household. Erm 9... cats and counting...... Plus stories from the Sheffield Cats Shelter

SCS Charity Shop

Are you a cat lover? Do you have time to spare to help us?

The Sheffield Cats Shelter have opened their first charity shop at 285 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield.

As a volunteer shop assistant you will greet customers, help, advise and make them feel welcome, in addition to keeping the shop looking smart and tidy.

You will be operating an electronic till and dealing with various types of payments. You will also help raise peoples understanding of the work of the charity. Training will be given.

This is a great opportunity to gain or further develop skills and experience in working in a shop as well as making new friends. All we ask for is a regular commitment, as little as half a day, or more if you can.

If you'd like to find out more you can view or print the Role Descriptions below.  

Volunteer Shop Assistant - Role Description
Volunteer Stock Preparation - Role Description

If you're interested please download and complete the following application form.

(click on the link, go to:- File :- Download and save to your machine)

Charity Shop Volunteer - Application form

You can return completed applications direct to the shelter or by e-mail to personnel@thesheffieldcatsshelter.org.uk

If you have any additional queries, please contact the Shelter or use the email above.


  1. Just tried to send the charity shop application but it wouldn't let me for some reason. As I am very eager to help out I will phone Jane in the morning ,

    1. Hi Sorry, you've had problems, do you want to try sending it to Caroline@thesheffieldcatsshelter.org.uk instead?

  2. When are you recruiting for a Shop Manager please & how much will the salary be?

    1. Hi, if you'd like to send your contact details to personnel@thesheffieldcatsshelter.org.uk someone will be able to reply to you.

    2. Thanks...will do!
